Name of animal-plant: Sea snails Species name: Animal type: INVERT Subcategory: gastropod   Fact: All animals and plants are given
Name of animal-plant: Eyestripe surgeonfish Species name: Acanthurus dussumieri Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Hawaiian garden eel Species name: Gorgasia hawaiiensis Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group
Name of animal-plant: Hawaiian domino damselfish Species name: Dascyllus albisella Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group
Name of animal-plant: Bullethead parrotfish Species name: Scarus sordidus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Moorish idol Species name: Zanclus cornutus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Longnose butterflyfish Species name: Forcipiger longirostris Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Multiband butterflyfish Species name: Chaetodon multicinctus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Ornate butterflyfish Species name: Chaetodon ornatissimus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Potter's angelfish Species name: Centropyge potteri Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of