Name of animal-plant: Carolina satyr Species name: Hermeuptychia sosybius Animal type: INVERT Subcategory: insectInsects (from Latin insectum, a calque of
Name of animal-plant: Schiedea verticillata Species name: Schiedea verticillata Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Crown-of-thorns starfish Species name: Acanthaster planci Animal type: INVERT Subcategory: echinoderm Fact: All animals and plants
Name of animal-plant: Lapland longspur Species name: Calcarius lapponicus Animal type: BIRDBirds (Aves) are a group of endothermic vertebrates, characterised
Name of animal-plant: Brown-headed cowbird Species name: Molothrus ater Animal type: BIRDBirds (Aves) are a group of endothermic vertebrates, characterised