Name of animal-plant: Longnose sucker Species name: Catostomus catostomus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: White sucker Species name: Catostomus commersoni Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Yellow bullhead Species name: Ameiurus natalis Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Sea catfish Species name: Galeichthyes felis Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Northern squawfish Species name: Ptychocheilus oregonensis Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Peamouth Species name: Mylocheilus caurinus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of organisms
Name of animal-plant: Largescale sucker Species name: Catostomus macrocheilus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Brown bullhead Species name: Ameiurus nebulosus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Pumpkinseed Species name: Lepomis gibbosus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of organisms
Name of animal-plant: Red hake Species name: Urophycis chuss Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of