Name of animal-plant: Snakemouth orchid Species name: Pogonia ophioglossoides Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Hyssopleaf hedgenettle Species name: Stachys aspera Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Bigseed alfalfa dodder Species name: Cuscuta indecora Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area
Name of animal-plant: New England bulrush Species name: Schoenoplectus novae-angliae Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area
Name of animal-plant: Narrowleaf willow Species name: Salix exigua Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Valley redstem Species name: Ammannia coccinea Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Seaside sandplant Species name: Honckenya peploides Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Seaside threeawn Species name: Aristida tuberculosa Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Crested saltbush Species name: Atriplex cristata Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Beach sedge Species name: Carex silicea Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that



Ah, space! it is so big that we will never be able to see it all, ever! We are trying! Read more


The deepest ocean is 10,994 meters! even the highest mountain doesnt come close! Read more


Trees can grow over 100meters! and get thousands of years old! thats just amazing!  Read more


The Sahara spans over 9,400,000 square kilometers and is the largest nonpolar!  Read more


We can build nice things, but nature does it with ease! Check out some of the wonders!  Read more

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