Name of animal-plant: Northern goshawk Species name: Accipiter gentilis Animal type: BIRDBirds (Aves) are a group of endothermic vertebrates, characterised
Name of animal-plant: Beach sumac Species name: Rhus aromatica var. arenaria Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental
Name of animal-plant: Black-fruit mountain-ricegrass Species name: Piptatherum racemosa Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Brown-fruited rush Species name: Juncus pelocarpus Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Capitate spikerush Species name: Eleocharis geniculata Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Seaside spurge Species name: Chamaesyce polygonifolia Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that
Name of animal-plant: Rock sandwort Species name: Minvartia michauxii michauxii Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area
Name of animal-plant: Bald-rush Species name: Psilocarya scirpoides Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that is
Name of animal-plant: Clubmoss Species name: Lycopodium appressum Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area that is
Name of animal-plant: Crimsoneyed rosemallow Species name: Hibiscus mocheutos mocheutos Plant type: HABITATA habitat is an ecological or environmental area


There are atleast 9717 species of birds! Not all birds can fly! Read more


We know about 28500 of fish, and we are sure there are many more out there!  Read more


 There are 5416 species of mammals, sadly many are endangered 🙁  Read more


There are about 6000 species of reptiles! Some are cute some are scary!  Read more


950000 species of insects have been catalogued, and you bet there is many more! Read more