Name of animal-plant: Brook trout Species name: Salvelinus fontinalis Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Lake trout Species name: Salvelinus namaycush Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Spottail shiner Species name: Notropis hudsonius Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Blackchin shiner Species name: Notropis heterodon Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Blacknose shiner Species name: Notropis heterolepis Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Fathead minnow Species name: Pimephales promelas Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Longfin smelt Species name: Spirinchus thaleichthys Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: White mullet Species name: Mugil curema Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: Longnose sucker Species name: Catostomus catostomus Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of
Name of animal-plant: White sucker Species name: Catostomus commersoni Animal type: FISHA fish is any member of a group of


There are atleast 9717 species of birds! Not all birds can fly! Read more


We know about 28500 of fish, and we are sure there are many more out there!  Read more


 There are 5416 species of mammals, sadly many are endangered 🙁  Read more


There are about 6000 species of reptiles! Some are cute some are scary!  Read more


950000 species of insects have been catalogued, and you bet there is many more! Read more